Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:50 pm

Chisamba wrote:
If she was progressing in the winter and got complicated in the spring I wouldn't count hormones out.

It started brewing a few months ago, I think, but the trainer wasn't wanting to make a big deal out of it, and hoping she had just transferred her issues with her right side, which is the side the saddle went over in her wreck, to now being touchy about her left side. But she notes overall that certain days she just feels "tight" and the soft look she had in her eye last fall has been replaced by a more guarded look. Not so say hormones couldn't be a play, but she's not a mare that shows heats much at all.

Kyra's Mom wrote:Well...crap. Something seems to be going on with her. I would definitely get her back check out. Almost sounds like kissing spine (the grabbing herself). I hope not.

Yes, I keep thinking that too. I am wondering if she could have had an injury around the caudal/sacral veretebra that is just now causing an issues, maybe with a calcification building as her spine matures now that she is getting closer to 5 years old. Generally KS wouldn't be an issue in that region. She has a little touchy spot near the lumbar spine as well. It would be wonderful if we could find a curable physical reason. If not, well, at least she has some value as a broodmare.
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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:57 pm

Straightforward, everything you said makes it sound more like hormones to me.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:49 pm

Chisamba wrote:Straightforward, everything you said makes it sound more like hormones to me.

Interesting, I will have to look into it more. Incidentally, it was around this time last year that she was transferred from the husband to the wife since it was a better fit for training style. At the time, he mentioned that she might be one that needs to be on Regumate, but neither of them have said anything about it recently.
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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby DJR » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:11 am

Chisamba wrote:DJR I wrote a detailed response but it seems to have disappeared into the ether capacious.

Finn looks like he is getting fabulous exposure. Is he the colt you bred yourself by the warm blood stallion out of your shire mare?

Yes, that's him! I really thought he'd end up black, but he's decidedly bay. In fact, he's more a wild-type bay because his mane & tail aren't jet black. This stallion has never thrown chestnut and the mare is dark bay/black, so he must be some variation of bay. Anyway, I love him no matter what colour he ended up!
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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Dresseur » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:16 am

Miro is up to 4 shoulder in's and 4 haunches in. We'll slowly finish the trot lateral work (am adding one movement every week or two). So, he'll finish out 2 weeks of doing the SI and HI, and then I'll add one SI/R to the mix in each direction - which he'll do for a week before adding another in each direction. So far so good, he feels amazing, and the lateral work is much better than it was the first time around. I took him out in the big ring outside for the first time today and he was fantastic. I hadn't wanted to add any footing changes to the mix, especially since the stone dust is heavier and a bit deeper- but it was finally just too nice to ride inside. I kept it simple, no lateral work so that there wouldn't be any extra stressors, just in case. But, he felt amazing. We're back to watching his weight now that he's on full turnout and has access to grass. He may have to go rotate in and out of a dry lot... we'll see. In any case - here's a picture that I just love of he and I. Mostly because he's just so darn pretty! I'm hoping he doesn't shed out to brown again lol :P

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:17 pm

StraightForward wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Straightforward, everything you said makes it sound more like hormones to me.

Interesting, I will have to look into it more. Incidentally, it was around this time last year that she was transferred from the husband to the wife since it was a better fit for training style. At the time, he mentioned that she might be one that needs to be on Regumate, but neither of them have said anything about it recently.

I never attributed Denebs difficulties to hormones, she is not "mareish" and does not have obvious heat cycles. However on the second year in a row when i had a good winter and then horrible spring, we decided to try regumate. Although she has become a little "accustomed" to it, and still had a bit of a spring behavior pattern, she has become so much safer and i think happier since i put her on regumate.

but honestly, even having been around horses for years and years, it took me three stupid dumb human years to recognize that her behavior pattern was linked to heat cycles. i was deceived by her lack of obvious heats behavior and apparent pain/ reactivity

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Apr 23, 2018 1:19 pm

Dresseur he is a beauty. i remember when Kimba was that beautiful blue grey color, i miss it now that its gone. Happy that he is staying sound and true for you.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:06 pm

Lovely updates, all!

Kiwi and I have had a breakthrough on the quality and consistency of the half steps over the last week or so. Where formerly she'd get a bit, uh, explode-y if I asked for them to be too on-the-spot for her level of connection, now she's really taking weight behind and coiling instead. So rewarding!

And it's paying dividends in all gaits. Trot/halts have improved, and I'm actually getting some on-the-spot canter nowadays. So much progress. Today's going to be a low-key ride to give her a break from all the collection we've been developing, but in our next school I think we can start adding the turning to the pirouettes again.

These threads are my favorites. The spirit of camaraderie really helps motivate me through the day-to-day grind, and serves as a helpful reminder of the progress we've made-- the group of us, that is. Not just self-aggrandizing over here.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby DJR » Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:31 am

Yayyyy! I have my Pan back. Today he came out of the paddock chilled, tacked up without fuss, lunged without any naughtiness, and walked flat-footed when I got in the saddle. He was a bit distracted by his paddock-mate calling for him and tensed through his back shortly after I got on, then was done with it as soon as I put him to work. And the work was really, really nice with some great throughness (especially considering his level of fitness), a swinging trot that I could actually sit a little bit, and super responses to the outside rein in terms of straightness.

He gets a bit quick at the canter on the right rein so I worked on that, primarily by ensuring I am sitting properly in the saddle and that he is connected through the outside rein. Within two sets of canter-trot-canter transitions he was MUCH better. I kept it short (about 25 min of work) and easy-peasy with many breaks & pats & praise. I'm SOOO so happy to have my level-headed Panache back. I fell in love with him all over again tonight.

My boy:
2018Apr23 Pan1stGoodRide2018.jpg
2018Apr23 Pan1stGoodRide2018.jpg (242.24 KiB) Viewed 23083 times

The only downside to this evening's ride was that the mosquitoes were out in force! A week ago we were recovering from an awful 3-day ice storm. Now it's hot and the mosquitoes are out. There's no winning! LOL
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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby JeniferWilliams » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:47 am

I am actually interested in all these things. :)

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Tsavo » Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:06 pm

Dresseur wrote: In any case - here's a picture that I just love of he and I. Mostly because he's just so darn pretty! I'm hoping he doesn't shed out to brown again lol :P

Really really nice work, Dresseur.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Imperini » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:40 pm

Lovely picture Dresseur!

StraightForward sorry to hear about the continuing trouble with Pickle, hope you can get to the bottom of what ever might be bothering her.

DJR glad to hear that Panache returned to his normal self. Did you have him boarded out as well? Do you think it has anything to do with the change in environment or just that he's gotten over his sillies and wants to play nice now? I know that P was really unhappy at the first barn I had her at and within a week or so of moving to our current barn she turned back into the horse I bought.

The horse simulator was interesting. It felt a bit more like a horse in some ways than I thought it could like it actually simulated the feeling of the hind legs swinging under and less like a horse in some ways such as being exactly the same every stride and feeling a bit slower in the movement. I'm actually less crooked than I thought I was going to be. I was ever so slightly to the left when I started and when I moved to center I felt like I was sitting super far to the right but quickly readjusted to that feeling. My left leg which is the worse hip needed to come back a bit and that felt really odd as well and because of the hip especially at the sitting trot it wanted to swing forward instead of following the movement properly. I realized I need a LOT more core strength. The physiotherapy I recently started is focusing on my glutes and core so I've learned some useful exercises and how to really isolate the muscles while still breathing there, perfect for my riding! I've really gotten into the exercise routine which started very simple and keeps building as I go, just getting into the routine of exercising has been great.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby DJR » Tue Apr 24, 2018 5:12 pm

Imperini wrote:DJR glad to hear that Panache returned to his normal self. Did you have him boarded out as well? Do you think it has anything to do with the change in environment or just that he's gotten over his sillies and wants to play nice now? I know that P was really unhappy at the first barn I had her at and within a week or so of moving to our current barn she turned back into the horse I bought.

Good question. Definitely the move played a factor, but he was acting uppity since an October show I took him to (with Jet). He had some separation anxiety there and acted up just before I went into the ring for my first test (despite a pretty normal warm-up). I had showed him all year but by himself, never with another horse left at the trailer while he showed. Plus, the weather then had changed and was nippier/frostier.

He then had the whole winter off. I brought him to an indoor facility for five weeks and he was a total noob there, but did improve a bit over the few weeks. I had to handle him very carefully, though, lest he have a blow-up.

The weather JUST improved and warmed up so I think that plays a factor. Plus, I've had him on Solace pellets & Quiessence as well as a GI protector (Gastro-FX) for the last few weeks. Who knows! I'm just glad he's back to his usual self ... at least so far. The acid test will be in a couple of weeks when I take him to a clinic for the day!
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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Dresseur » Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:13 pm

The weather has been nice enough to get a pair of rides in the big ring. It was windy, but he felt great. I kept it pretty darn simple, circles, and generally just keeping him trucking along. There are times that he takes the correction and really lifts through the shoulder and those moments are the ones that I'm after. The canter still drives me a bit nuts because he's like riding a wet pool noodle - if you touch the rein, he'll collapse on one side of his body or another - so these are some of the first times that I feel like he's starting to drive up in a solid piece. But, I still have to take several large upward corrections to correct curling, and it's still not quite where I want it. But overall, he just makes me smile!

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:19 pm

Dresseur, I love seeing the video update. That photo of you and Miro in the indoor is worthy of saving to turn into a painting! I do like how Miro really motors along in the trot. Yes, the canter is wonky! :D Do you think it gets better or worse (his acceptance of aids) with longer canters or with more transitions in and out of canter?

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Dresseur » Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:37 pm

Longer canters help him. I do a lot of lengthen and come back to get him knit together, there are moments in the canter that I really like and that feel great, but then you touch the rein and and you realize that he was not really connected. Transitions don't too much. Usually, I'd do walk, canter, walk... but he's too clever at sitting down and leveraging up, so any transitions I do are through the trot -and I make sure that I can push his neck out in front of me before doing that. He's athletic, so he just kind of cruises along a bit sloppily in the back. The aim is to get him forward and up, without tightening and just slapping his legs down - which is why lengthening and coming back works so well... and, those are my first counter canter steps since his injury and he stayed upright and didn't collapse so I know that I'm getting somewhere. He's also flipping a few proper changes on me and in the past, he's flipped up front only and then cross cantered, so, again, progress even in the mistakes.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby musical comedy » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:11 pm

I actually like the canter work on Miro. I love the roundness. If he is not totally into the contact, he disguises it well. He moves very much like my mare, especially at canter. Changes will be easy for him and also pirouettes.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:13 pm

Very interesting. And please forgive me for saying wonky. It is all comparative! (ex. to his trot) Yes, CC steps looks nice and upright. I have trouble with my mare being very round at canter without being fully into the contact. For us, the c-t-c transitions help when I feel a loss of connection.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:30 pm

I don't think the canter looks weird? It's how a lot of smaller backed/short neck horses canter.

I'm still kickin' and reading along.

I SOMEHOW learned to sit the trot this winter, like for real! Still refining my summer plans but it's more of the same ol' same 'ol

Riot is 14 now! what happened? He is doing super, as always.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Dresseur » Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:44 pm

I wasn't offended by the wonky comment. Compared to his trot, it's his weaker gait. He will eventually do piris etc very easily - but we have to make SURE that he is not just doing mini-levades, but that he is connecting honestly and using back in a more undulating manner and not dropping his back out and just jamming the front legs into the ground or slapping the fronts off the ground. That is his tendency. 9 times out of 10, if I attempt a walk/canter, he SITS and then just leverages up. It looks 100% on the spot and obedient, and it looks like he could do a piri right then and there - but it's 100% incorrect and it feels sloppy in the back. If let him continue in that manner - I will have major issues later on. He needs to reach out to the bridle - he's starting to get it in the trot work - but the canter it's easy for him to hide. I'm anxious to get into the lateral work in the canter - but like I said, taking it slow and will finish the trot lateral work out before moving on.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby musical comedy » Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:49 pm

Dresseur wrote:I wasn't offended by the wonky comment. Compared to his trot, it's his weaker gait. He will eventually do piris etc very easily - but we have to make SURE that he is not just doing mini-levades, but that he is connecting honestly and using back in a more undulating manner and not dropping his back out and just jamming the front legs into the ground or slapping the fronts off the ground. That is his tendency. 9 times out of 10, if I attempt a walk/canter, he SITS and then just leverages up. It looks 100% on the spot and obedient, and it looks like he could do a piri right then and there - but it's 100% incorrect and it feels sloppy in the back. If let him continue in that manner - I will have major issues later on. He needs to reach out to the bridle - he's starting to get it in the trot work - but the canter it's easy for him to hide. I'm anxious to get into the lateral work in the canter - but like I said, taking it slow and will finish the trot lateral work out before moving on.
Not sure, but I think I have the same problem. Until someone on the ground sees me, I can't say for sure. I've abstained from doing walk canter for tht reason.

Dresseur, most of the photos you show of Miro are with him more 'up'. Can he do a stretchy circle with the neck long? I wouldn't expect him to hold it but for a second or two, being he is so young and not really that fit yet.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Dresseur » Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:11 pm

MC, yes, he can - although I didn't ask him in the trot set in that video, I do ask frequently for him to stretch FDO. The trick with him is 1. he needs to reach out and 2. he can't just drop his back and leave his hind legs out behind him. So, I don't let him drop too, too low and I don't do it for more than a moment or so.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby musical comedy » Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:29 pm

Dresseur wrote:MC, yes, he can - although I didn't ask him in the trot set in that video, I do ask frequently for him to stretch FDO. The trick with him is 1. he needs to reach out and 2. he can't just drop his back and leave his hind legs out behind him. So, I don't let him drop too, too low and I don't do it for more than a moment or so.
Yeah, I have the same thinking. Have to think OUT before down.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby demi » Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:23 pm

I haven’t ridden for almost two weeks, for personal reasons. I missed my saddle fitting appointment :( and one lesson, but hope to be back and ready for my next lesson on May 7.

The good news is that I lost 7 lbs since March 1. The rest of my goals are also on track. I am on the “slow track” to be sure, but at least I’m on a track!

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Sue B » Thu Apr 26, 2018 3:16 pm

I actually have been riding this last week or so and having a great time. I won't distress anyone by sharing what I've been working on, however; suffice it to say the boys are coming along quite nicely now that the Spring Sillies are mostly out of their system.

Good news is, however, I finally connected with a saddle fitter who will not only send a trial saddle to fit monster Tio but will also modify Rudy's saddle to fit my thighs better. I have already penciled in a date in June to get Rudy's saddle worked on and I am soooooo excited. :D Tomorrow I plan on doing a tracing and taking pictures of Tio so she can look and see if she has a saddle in stock for him. Tio will be thrilled to finally have a saddle that doesn't block his massive shoulders. Meantime, his canter is coming along in spite of the interference. Also, at almost 7 years old, the kid seems to have finally mentally matured and has become quite fun to ride.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Imperini » Thu Apr 26, 2018 3:21 pm

demi wrote:The good news is that I lost 7 lbs since March 1. The rest of my goals are also on track. I am on the “slow track” to be sure, but at least I’m on a track!

Yay, good job! Sometimes slow is better, and as long as it's going down and that's what you're after then that's something to be happy about.

I actually lost 5 lbs myself. Still a lot left to go, but I was pleasantly surprised about it. I got on the scale practically cringing at what I thought it was going to say and then it surprised me with good news. I find that in the past I have either been completely obsessed about my weight (to the point of being unhealthy about it and not eating enough) or not thinking about it at all (and then eat too much and expand) but I think I'm finally starting to be able to manage myself in a healthy way. It's much slower going than when I obsess but it's obviously healthier and maintainable so is more likely to stick with me because of that.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Xanthoria » Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:01 pm

Baby Bronto* has just had 2 weeks off due to work travel, but it didn't seem to cause him to forget that right before that, we discovered that for him the optimal amount of half halt to get a great uphill (um, ok, not nosedive) canter depart is more like a 3/4 halt. Or even a 7/8ths halt.

His canter often starts disunited to the left. I feel like this is a fitness thing or a timing of the aids thing. So, we have also been working on backing up in hand each day, trotting up hills, and going a 1 mile trail ride with lots of trot before each arena session and it is paying off in a fitter beastie.

Still figuring out how to get him telescoping out, still working hard on straightness, still reminding myself to keep my hands down and my head up. But the difference when it all comes together is super. My trainer is off training with her trainer (Erik Herbermann) for a few weeks, meaning no lessons for me for a month, so we had better be a lot fitter and straighter by the time she comes back!

I started riding with spurs so that he would reliably get off my inside leg and he's a lot more forward, but at the same time I worry they are touching him too much due to the shape of his barrel and my leg, so I will either get blunter ones or take them off again.

We did some jumping Tuesday and he was forward, enthusiastic and confident. I have found a local jump trainer to help me with new exercises so that starts May 6th. I do not think he will be the jumper I hoped for, but he can at least one day be a confident Novice eventer, I hope...

And I have been researching plastic shoes. He wears steel in front, but hinds are not allowed due to pasture rules. I think he would benefit from hinds so I am calling plastic shoe companies to get material stats on their relative hardness, to try and convince barn manager...

*Just measured him again, and he's "only" 17.1 (altho I need to do it again on flatter ground) meaning he's grown 1/2" in the last year. Will be 6 in June. But he's so very LONG and massive... and a bit fat :mrgreen:

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby kande50 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:43 pm

demi wrote:The good news is that I lost 7 lbs since March 1. The rest of my goals are also on track. I am on the “slow track” to be sure, but at least I’m on a track!

And the slower you lose it the more likely it is to stay off, so in this case the slow track is a good thing.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Chisamba » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:12 am

kande50 wrote:
demi wrote:The good news is that I lost 7 lbs since March 1. The rest of my goals are also on track. I am on the “slow track” to be sure, but at least I’m on a track!

And the slower you lose it the more likely it is to stay off, so in this case the slow track is a good thing.


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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:56 pm

I commend you weight-losers. It's not happening for me at the moment, and I'm feeling like a fatso. But there are extenuating circumstances that should all be settled in the next couple of weeks so I can have my life back.

After spend the last 4 months being incredibly careful not to push too hard during rehab, the time has come to add more forward and collection to the mix. He's pretty happy to give it a go, we just have to channel the energy! He's being a really good boy, bless him.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sat Apr 28, 2018 1:52 pm

StraightForward wrote:There is a local show in May that I'd like to enter at Training Level, so the goal the next two months will be confirming the canter and general steadiness in the bridle and introducing some stretchy trot. Also, bumping work level up from 3 rides a week to 4. Ridden work on consecutive days is still a little hard for Princess, but I'm hoping by April she'll be able to do 2 on, 1 off with regularity.

For myself, stretching, core work and running to improve my seat and aerobic capacity. It would be OK if I shed a couple pounds in the process as well.

For Pickle - I'm hoping to carve out a few days in April to go out and work with her several days in a row and possibly get on if her trainer thinks the time is right.

Wow, time flies, and this thread is almost dead! I'm headed out of town for work tomorrow, so it's time for a retrospective.

I've nixed the May show in favor of lessons as my instructor comes in from out of town. There is another small show in early June, so we might try for that.

Being at the new barn has been great overall. I'm able to ride much more consistently, but Annabelle is finding the grade on the outdoor arena challenging, and I think I need to buy her some front boots as it does get rather hard, especially at the far end where the footing is a little thin. On the up side, doing transitions in the uphill direction has been really useful. Her canter is coming along, but I'm toying with bits a little. Around the beginning of this thread, I put her in a Sprenger NovoContact single joint, and it really helped her start taking contact. After a few weeks, it started being a little TOO much, so I decided to try the same in a double-jointed, which Sprenger claims invites contact, but can help with pulling. Well, nope. I don't think A likes double-jointed bits. I'm going to put her back in the single-jointed to see if I can get a HH to go through at all in canter, and have a plain eggbutt snaffle ordered. I use a Myler when I do in-hand work, and she gets extremely light, so I know that's too much to the thin side; maybe the cheap eggbutt will be the Goldilocks bit, or maybe I'll spend a fortune trying different bits.

Canter is really coming along now though - she is much more forward off my leg, and I'm starting to be able to shape her a little so the left lead isn't such a motorcycle careening around feel. It's a little tricky just getting a few good strides and a good transition down, but not letting her fall out of canter of her own accord. We also started tiny jumps last week, as in, cantering over ground poles and trotting over a teeny crossrail that doesn't really require liftoff to clear.

I was doing well on my fitness in March, then I started panicking about all the spring yard/garden work needing to be done and that usurped too much of my time and energy. At least I'm not sitting on my butt too much; haven't lost weight, but haven't gained either.

Pickle is coming home from the trainer's when I get back from my work trip, but not for the right reasons. We're going on a hunt for any physical reasons for her misbehaviors. Not sure what we'll do if we can't find anything, but I'm trying to stay optimistic.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Apr 28, 2018 11:04 pm

StraightForward wrote:Pickle is coming home from the trainer's when I get back from my work trip, but not for the right reasons. We're going on a hunt for any physical reasons for her misbehaviors. Not sure what we'll do if we can't find anything, but I'm trying to stay optimistic.

Good luck! :D I'm sorry that it's not a better update, but it sounds like you are doing everything you can to improve things.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Tsavo » Sat Apr 28, 2018 11:39 pm

My horse was shod up front to address the mincing and it didn't seem to help at first though today he was increasing his stride length. He is doing the ground work very well and loose so I think his stiffness is abating. The weakness is another story. I am doing plenty of walking on contact to ask him to go long and low up and down hills. He is strong enough now to keep his back up in walk and some trot. Proving once again that hopes and prayers are nonsense, the saddle continues to slip despite putting in shim pads. I was hoping to try to get away with a saddle fitting if I could build his top line fast enough but it is a no go. I am getting the saddle fitted to him as he is now. He has been out of meaningful work since the last week in August. The work I have been doing with him since February is not going to build top line like riding him to raise his back does.

I went off property with the horse I am riding and his owner on her other horse. While the two horses were obedient, it was just too exciting and I could not keep him on my seat to avoid being on his face. It wasn't productive. When we got back to that barn, we rode in the ring a bit just to regroup mentally before we trailered back. My horse immediately reverted to normal and was back on my seat and I was off his face. The other horse couldn't seem to stop wanting to canter even in the ring. We are going to start smaller by just taking the two horses down the road several times and then build from there.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby DJR » Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:20 pm

Here is Panache from a couple of days ago. He will be 7 in August. Despite his reactive start to the year, he has really settled into his work nicely now. I realize that he has a fair bit more conditioning to put on, but I'm quite happy with how he's looking after 5 weeks of work (averaging 3 rides/week).

2018Apr26 Panache.jpg
2018Apr26 Panache.jpg (83.53 KiB) Viewed 22574 times
formerly known as "Deanna" on UDBB -- and prior to that, as "DJD".

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby khall » Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:31 am

DJR what a pretty boy Panache is. I know you are happy he is back to his good boy self.
Tsavo, were you hacking out why the horses got wild? I'm glad your new ride came back to his mind, not fun riding when they aren't really listening.
SF I hope you can figure out what is going on with Pickles, what a heart breaker that is.
Xan sounds like you are having fun with your guy, Baby Brontosaurus:) 17.1 is a large boy, takes a good bit to get all that horse put together I am sure. Am I remembering that he was diagnosed with shivers? Does that impact him much if so?
Dresseur glad Miro is staying sound for you. I actually liked the canter in your video. What you feel and what you see can be very different though. The biggest thing I see is just a bit short in the neck, would like to see a more open throat latch. Maybe with just 1/2 in to an inch longer rein. Yes you need up but you also need open. That's just what I see, I know it can be hard to ride with a longer neck especially with the horses that naturally want to shorten up.
Impernini the horse simulator sounds like fun!
SueB glad you are getting ride time in and glad the spring sillies are fading.

We are having a long string of nice weather and I hope to get a good bit of riding in this week. Having some great stuff on Rip. Had a good forward hack on him today working on medium trot. For him it is about the energy/activity from behind. Building it up enough that he can push through and out his shoulders. Now to just try the changes. Was working on WCWC, was very nice. It's fun when you ride and you ask questions and they just say yes to everything. I was a bit inspired to ride even more forward after watching KY Land rover this weekend. We even did a bit of 2 point cantering around just for fun. Looking at moving forward with my filly this week and waiting to hear back from trainer about if she has a spot for Gaila, looking at sending her to Elisa Wallace if she has time and room. I knew EW way back even before when, not that she would remember me, she was just a tot. Knew her parents and rode/showed with them many years ago.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:02 am

So a look back at my goals--the two months being all about ME and improving my position...

Well, I'm happy with the progress I/we have made. I've been very focused on my position--upper body, hands, legs, the works. I've had to work on it largely on my own as my poor regular trainer has been very much out of action thanks to her accident. Fortunately we have mirrors, which can be a bit devastating at times, but I've been boringly disciplined about it--to some degree to the detriment of some other things (we've been crawling, to be honest,) but it needed to happen.

In the last week or two, we started to be able to add in a lot more appropriate forward and collection, without losing the positional stuff. It's been magic.

We had a lesson yesterday with Uber trainer, and she was very happy. Noted how much more positionally aligned we are, and how much more confident in my requests to Laddie I am--I've stopped treating him like glass, and we are moving much more forward and positively. And he is loving it!

So yeah... I'm :) Apparently I can ride both elegantly and effectively if I put my mind to it.

The weight loss thing. Well, not so much. But summer is coming!

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:16 am

Well, I rode two time this month! What progress.

I got to ride today. My butt doesn't even feel the usual post ride ache :D . Granted it was only 15-20 minutes but I am stoked. Acavallo has a seat saver with a coccyx cutout and of course I had to get one and I am giving it two thumbs up. I was only going to walk but I get bored after about 10 minutes (in the arena) so we did a little trot too. Worked on making the trot smaller then bigger again...rinse repeat.

I am just lucky I was able to ride. Kyra's BFF in the pen next to her went to another part of the farm and she got a new neighbor...that she HATES. She (or they) have been tearing down parts of the fence between them several times--I have lost count. They have been next to each other for nearly a month but luckily I guess, they haven't managed to completely tear it down and get together. I think that would be ugly. Kyra already has a fairly large de-hided area on the inside of her right hock. Today, I just thank my lucky stars that she isn't at the vets with a puncture into her fetlock. The pen has a tubular metal "L" section in the corner that acts as the brace for the wire fence. They have run the hot wire through a piece of PVC pipe that is chest high to insulate the wire from the metal. Well, Kyra kicked (yes 4 feet high) and exploded the PVC and has an abrasion on the back of the left hind fetlock but none of the shards penetrated past the skin...thank God. Not to mention various other scrapes :roll: . The big problem is that the fence isn't hot. I have told the barn owner and they were aware but everything was copacetic with BFF and it wasn't ever an issue (she doesn't have anyone on the other side which is a good thing I think). Well, they are finally tired of patching the fence on a daily basis. For now, Kyra is over in the barn until they can redo the fence and put in a new fencer so the damn thing is HOT. Neither myself or the owner of the other horse need a big vet bill or worse. Kyra's pen is plenty big enough that they are going to put up an extra "layer" so that the two of them can't even touch each other. The funny thing is that no one has seen them when they scrum so we don't even know who or what is precipitating the arguments. Doesn't matter. Miss I Don't Get Along is over in the barn in an end stall with an empty one between her and the next horse. Things were so nice for literally years. Ugh horses.

Anyway, still working on rehabbing my back with physical therapy so my riding sessions are not as often as I would like but I am very encouraged as to the butt situation with the sweet seat saver so looking forward to doing more.

I too, have too much flab. I tell you, not riding is not good. I lost so much condition and core strength and that contributed to the back issue since I found nothing I liked that replace the riding. It is torture (or seems like it) trying to get it back.
I do feel better since I started the pool therapy. I can exercise pain free in the pool which tells me I have too much lard on my body. I wish someone could muzzle me :P .

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Tue May 01, 2018 1:12 am

Wow--rode 21 times in April. I guess doing a tough clinic early in the month was motivating!

I am pleased with our progress. I feel like I have a better sense of the crisp clarity I need as a rider/trainer and Emi has a better sense of her responsibilities vis-a-vis those clear aids lol.I did break a tip off a whip to get there :-0 but we are both okay. I have not been asking for changes, but I'm back to finding where they live. My next obsession (since the t-c-t-c power steadiness is so improved) is to make sure that I have no "skidding out" on the left rein of the right hind, especially approaching canter transitions. Clearly this is why changes from right to left have always been harder for me.

Emi turns sweet 16 in a few weeks. Really, I'm just so delighted that she puts up with our slow motion training, regular workouts, and helps me spot all kinds of birds on our endeavors :-D (my favorite of the week: An American Kestrel hunting insects in the hay fields.)

My compliment of the month (which I'll take): "Emi is like an event horse--she can do things and go out and such."

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby demi » Tue May 01, 2018 3:18 am

Nice updates everyone! And Yay! Kyra’s Mom! You’re riding again!

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue May 01, 2018 2:03 pm

We May-d it! (heh heh heh).

Goal check in:
1. I actually lost weight-- 11 lb from March to mid-April. Still a ways from where I want to be, but hey. Baby steps. I have fallen off the wagon for the pre-work workouts though, and my energy has really suffered because of it. Time to get back in the groove.
2. Speaking of baby steps-- half steps are really helping Kiwi's engagement in the extensions. Will continue to incorporate in future work.
3. Canter work: The reintroduction of more on-the-spot working pirouette canter has made the changes a bit dramatic as she can build a whole lot of power in the pirouette canter that gets unleashed in the changes. Things have gotten expressive.

On to May!

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby DJR » Tue May 01, 2018 2:11 pm

I have achieved some of my Mar-Apr goals but not all.

I did get Jet & Pan restarted- CHECK! However, then Jet developed cellulitis and couldn't be ridden for 2 wks so his fitness remains less than what I was hoping for at this time of year. Pan restarted uppity & tense, but thankfully is finally back to his normal self in the last 10 days thanks to a few things including Quiessence, Solace, Gastro FX, and being back at home. I have both going to a Tom Dvorak clinic this Sunday (wanted to go both Sat & Sun, but I have a stupid work conference on Sat!).

Finn is well into his training and doing road work with the cart daily. I think the plan is to keep exposing him to traffic & in-town experiences under harness this month, and progress to the carriage. He will be restarted under saddle in June if all goes well.

Dante: I haven't had time to ride him other than twice. He is back up for sale or lease.

Me: walking is haphazard. I love it when I make time to do it, but feel my candle is burning at both ends lately so it often goes by the wayside. I've lost zero weight because of my love affair with all things sweet and carb!
formerly known as "Deanna" on UDBB -- and prior to that, as "DJD".

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby Sue B » Tue May 01, 2018 3:14 pm

I spent too much time fishing and whining to ride much this last 2 months, but i am riding now. I met only a few of my goals, one was improving Rudy's w-c to have more sit into and out the canter in preparation for fc. Last week, when I was schooling canter, he did pop a flying change from true to counter, so maybe that's the way to school them? Anyway, it was a really nice, forward fc and he seemed quite pleased with himself.

I have sent the pictures off and am going to get the tracings done for a new saddle for Tio. He needs a hoop tree so his shoulders can move more freely so I've found an almost local fitter and I think I'm going to purchase a Lovatt and Ricketts for the kid. Meanwhile he has become really fun to ride in and out of the arena; he just feels so much more confident in himself I guess. So, while I failed to canter in the hay field, I have trotted him all over out there with my only trouble being going back towards home. :lol: Both my horses love there play time out and about.

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Re: Get some spring in your step - March/April Goals & Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Tue May 01, 2018 4:23 pm

piedmontfields wrote:-Continue to improve fitness of me and horse I just started doing regular spin cycle workouts at home and it is helping with improving my cardio fitness and some weight loss).

I've been dutifully spin cycling 3-4 times a week and my cardio fitness is much improved.

piedmontfields wrote:-Get the canter depart aid extra super duper reliable and quick.

I would not say we've achieved this, but it is much improved!

piedmontfields wrote:--Study flying change guidance and do good practice when ready.

Did some study and more importantly developed better understanding of just how reactive and powered up my mare needs to be to do a proper change.

piedmontfields wrote:-I had signed up for a Jeremy Steinberg clinic in early April, but it looks like the clinic will be postponed to a future date.

Nope, I actually rode in this clinic and learned a lot.

piedmontfields wrote:--Capture some photos/videos using a remote!!!

I failed on this. I need to take time to fuss with this, but I'm usually in a hurry to deal with horse, etc. when I'm at the barn, since it's quite a commute from work and home.

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