May & June Goals & Progress

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby demi » Thu May 16, 2019 12:57 am

kande50 wrote:
demi wrote:I just recently started trail riding in my dressage tack vs. western tack and Rocky was a little weirded out by the tack (and frame) change!

If it was me I'd just have to try to figure out which was responsible. :-)

Haha! That would just make me crazy!

IOW, it's such a mystery that I think maybe they had nightmares the night before and are still on edge.

Could happen!!!We boarded a horse for a friend recently and the first night he was here, I left one of the barn lights on. DH asked my why I left it on and I said I just forgot...he said “you didn’t forget, you just wanted him to have a nightlight so he wouldn’t be scared :oops:

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Kelo » Thu May 16, 2019 6:51 pm

Quinta - fingers crossed for full healing!

exvet - way to go with the stinker pony! be safe out there.

quinta wrote:Huge congrats, Kelo! What a good couple of cowponies. :)

Thanks guys! They are good cow ponies, that's for dang sure! I'm just back to schooling now. There are only a couple more rated shows within range of me this year, so it may be next spring before I can do the GP at a real show -- but hopefully be ironed out by then.

This might make you all smile: A few weeks before his GP debut, The Cowpony was doing his normal job -- being a cow horse! We marked well and brought home a good check. I attached two (again, bad quality) screen shots.

The trot pic - some of the patterns ask us to trot in to begin. My friends all tease me, because he trots so big...but that's just how he travels now. It is funny to see his big, bounding FEI trot to the center, when most of the horses just kinda….shuffle-jog in. :lol:
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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby blob » Thu May 16, 2019 7:11 pm

So good to see so many productive updates from folks!

I'm still in saddle land! Thanks to those who have reached out with things that might work! The latest tries were a fairfax my horses really liked but i didn't and a macrider i liked but my horses didn't! Had a black country rep/fitter out yesterday who was VERY knowledgable both as a fitter and a dressage rider so it was great to get her thoughts about how various saddle fitting pieces would influence my two horses. Looks like we might have found a cheap solution for RP while he continues to gain weight and muscle. So, that's a relief. Now, I just need to find something MM and I both like. I'm debating a couple black country options and ordering a new frank baines.

MM's work has been for the most part going well. She's been consistent, though I think we're getting close to her boredom point, so I need to make it a point to bring in new/interesting elements. I think I've had a bit of a breakthrough with our changes and i feel pretty silly for not thinking of it earlier. I am such a head case about the changes--as soon as I start thinking them I just go bananas in eagerness and forget how to ride. Instructor pointed out that I am definitely doing TOO MUCH. So, I've been working on less, which is good. But the other day, I thought about giving my new inside hand forward when i asked and low and behold MM was like 'oh, why thank you, yes, i will give you a clean change'. I think I had gotten so over focused on changing flexion and keeping straightness and blah blah blah that I was inevitably blocking her. So, hoping if I can continue to keep myself from turning into an over eager monkey and remember to release we'll start being more consistent.

RP is doing ok. After a steady stream of progress and good rides, he's having a lot of trouble staying steady. I'm a bit frustrated--but reminding myself that especially with a green horse things are constantly changing and back and forth. I wonder if his overall gain in weight means that he needs to build more muscle to be able to carry himself around the way he was. Either way, we persevere. Baby steps forwards, backwards, all around.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Thu May 16, 2019 9:50 pm

Hahaha that's a great trot.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby chantal » Thu May 16, 2019 9:54 pm

Kelo-that is so awesome!! And congrats on GP.

My goal is to create a well-rounded horse. I call his jumping saddle and hunter pace outfit his Halloween costume (we finally got black brushing boots to fly under the radar):lol: . I do have video of him in a Western saddle when he was at the cowboy before I got him. It's awesome! But not quite as awesome as your pics!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Fri May 17, 2019 12:16 am

An impressively well rounded horse with a very talented rider, Kelo! Congratulations.

Laddie was a rock star in our lesson today. We are mastering the canter half pass. He popped a very pretty change in at the end of one today--shame I didn't ask for it!

Now I'm just trying to clean all the things before this weekend's clinic, as the storm rolls in.

Still, I managed to fill it (the clinic) with competent and enthusiastic people, so we should show Mette a good time :)

Exvet, I hope you and Stinker get to play happily on the trails for many years.

Blob, ugh on the saddle hunt. It's an expensive bore.

Demi, it's good to see you happy and confident riding Rocky.

My brain is toast. Need to go finish a project before dinner!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Fri May 17, 2019 3:13 pm

Glad you had a great lesson! Good luck at the clinic. Storms are hitting here too.
Riot is doing more hacking and we are planning on a show in june. I'm excited to get back in and show after focusing on clinics last year.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Sue B » Fri May 17, 2019 4:06 pm

It's raining sideways, so no riding, but I did walk the dogs this morning.

Congrats on filling Mette's clinic and having a great pre-clinic lesson, Moutaineer.

Awesome news and photos Kelo. Love me a good quarterhorse.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby khall » Fri May 17, 2019 4:22 pm

Sorry the video quality is not so sharp, but sharing a bit of my last ride with Jillian. Was just showing her Rip's CC. He was a bit tired this ride but I was still very happy with him both days with Jillian. It is very helpful to me to have video of Rip. I have more but they are longer and showing trot work and longer more forward type canter stuff. I know I need to ask for more sit/collection and the video is helping me to determine where to go with future work. ... 820896414/

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Flight » Sat May 18, 2019 9:17 am

I think I've finally found a way to help Norsey with his late changes!! Got mostly clean changes today, without any grief. I'll have another ride on monday and see how he goes after a day off tomorrow. I am so hoping this is it, was secretly panicking that I'd stuffed him forever.

Vids a bit blurry Khall, but looks and sounds like Rip is going well!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Chisamba » Sat May 18, 2019 10:21 am

Khall. What does she mean by paddle?

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby blob » Sat May 18, 2019 12:33 pm

Flight wrote:I think I've finally found a way to help Norsey with his late changes!! Got mostly clean changes today, without any grief. I'll have another ride on monday and see how he goes after a day off tomorrow. I am so hoping this is it, was secretly panicking that I'd stuffed him forever.

Flight, would love to hear what you're doing to help Norsey with his late changes.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby khall » Sat May 18, 2019 12:44 pm

Jillian was just describing the action of the leading front leg in CC. I was just showing Jillian Rip's CC, was not getting instruction at this point. She was describing for the auditors what happens in the movement.

Funny, I thought she was saying tattle and I was trying to figure out what Rip was tattling on me about. He felt very good in his CC here, he is stepping up his game though we still need more engagement and collection but am finding the piaffe work is really helping him understand to engage more.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby musical comedy » Sat May 18, 2019 12:57 pm

Khall, why do you several transitions to trot during the CC? Is that planned? How is the exercise suppose to go?

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Imperini » Sat May 18, 2019 3:33 pm

Abby, very sorry for your loss.

Congrats Kelo on the GP and the picture of him trotting all big for his cow horse job is great.

Would also love to hear what's helping you with Norsey's late changes Flight after you get a chance to try again and see how it goes.

We had a lesson with a new instructor who I'd been trying to lesson with since February. She's from out of town and whenever she came into town our schedules either didn't align or the weather didn't cooperate. In any case it finally worked out I'm super happy with the lesson, probably some of the best canter work and transitions I've ever had with Pal by the end of the lesson. We didn't do much more than stay on a 20 meter circle with lots of transitions since the focus was mostly on fixing my issues but it was such a huge change I have no complaints. When we finished I talked about what a good, honest horse Pal is and the instructor said Pal deserves a unicorn horn :lol: I tend to agree. I wish I could ride with her more often as I feel like she's the sort of instructor that would really allow for us to progress in a correct way.

So the visualization that seems to have caused an epiphany for my seat and lower leg is "swivel a barstool." This moves more than just my head and shoulders, which is my habit, and keeps my leg long even while I'm using it and tells Pal hey we're doing a circle here without too much extra "stuff" going on that messes us both up. So interesting what the right visualization can do.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby khall » Sat May 18, 2019 3:35 pm

MC yes it is planned. I go from true canter to CC. For me it is a progression of the exercise of being able to do canter trot canter transitions going from L to R lead on a straight line. This ups the ante in going from true to CC and asking for CC on bending line. I up it even more by asking for trot CC transitions on the bending line, I just did not show that here. I use these transitions to build rideability and obedience to the aids (I call it being on my seat) I like both T C T transitions and W C W transitions and use them both with regularity both on straight lines and bending lines. Rip is getting fun to ride because I am always challenging him with these type of exercises. I also like half steps to C and RB to C and so much lateral work both on straight and bending lines. Rip is not the most talented of horses and was extremely challenging in his temperament. There is no way I could out muscle him so I have had to work hard at getting him to work with me. Thanks to Mark's foundational work we were in a great place to continue on when we lost him. Now with both Jillian and Cedar as instructors I can keep on with him. But then I work with Joplin and see how easy a horse can be and with the talent for this work. We learn from them all though!!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Sat May 18, 2019 8:53 pm

I like CC-trot-CC on a circle, too. It makes it very clear for Emi that she must wait for my aids. I am also a fan of a bit of forward/back in CC so that they don't get too stuck (but really, that is my horse's issues, so I do that). Emi responds to CC work with very good energy---it both wakes her up and aligns her energy forward (if that makes any sense). How is Rip's response?

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Dresseur » Sat May 18, 2019 11:55 pm

Abby, I’m so sorry. And yes, Flight, do tell!!!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Flight » Sun May 19, 2019 12:25 am

blob wrote:Flight, would love to hear what you're doing to help Norsey with his late changes.

Hi blob and Imperini. This is what I used to help us with the changes: ... 7177589389.

Basically for us, it was *renvers * work (sorry i initially wrote travers!) on a circle and holding more with my right rein (I've only worked on right to left changes so far) and not letting him dive his head/neck down at the start of the change. I had to think holding the shoulders back and asking the hind legs to change.
This may have us with crooked changes.. but I'll worry about that later. He was very good at late changes so I feel this is a priority to fix.
I've uploaded vid from the soloshot if you want to see it let me know (it's a bit boring but shows warts and all).
Last edited by Flight on Sun May 19, 2019 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby demi » Sun May 19, 2019 12:10 pm

I really liked the PK lesson video. I like that he and the trainer were calm in asking, and very appreciative of the horse’s efforts. I watched it twice and will save it when I start doing changes with Rocky (about 100 years from now...) Thanks for sharing that, Flight!

And I’d like to see your latest video of changes with Norsey, warts and all!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Abby Kogler » Sun May 19, 2019 2:49 pm

Flight! great video, thank you.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun May 19, 2019 3:12 pm

Abby, I'm sorry about George. :(

Kelo, congratulations on making it to the threshold of GP!

Yesterday I sat and watched a few hours of our main local rated show. There was a horse that looked QH doing the PSG, which gave me hope for Annabelle at least making it to 3rd if not more. But for the more immediate future, I really liked the look of the new First 2 test, and think we can be showing it by the end of the season, barring any more catastrophes. I'm also feeling encouraged seeing two of my friends make the jump up to 2nd level this year, one on the horse I've ridden a few times recently, and another on a horse I've known since he was started.

But in the vein of staying injury free - yesterday Annabelle seemed bothered US, so I decided to lunge instead. It was her first day totally drug-free, and perhaps that was a mistake. She impressed a bystander with her leaping, which ended with her standing STRAIGHT up and nearly going over backwards. She did fall, but at least it was more on her butt, then over to the side, so she wasn't hurt. She gave some gorgeous swinging trot in the saner moments though, so I 'm glad I have that to work with. I have to travel for work this week and advised the person who will be lunging her that a CC of Ace is probably a good idea.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Sun May 19, 2019 6:14 pm

Abby, I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed George.

Me---still zippo. Waiting to get out of my cast on Thursday then start the cumbersome task of walking again. I know that isn't going to feel too good at first but certainly a step in the right direction.

I went to the barn last night and took some of Kyra's bagged supplement. She didn't get too snorty or run off at the sight of the crutches but she certainly kept her distance for awhile. She finally came over toward me of her own volition which is great. I was going to take some bribes (carrots) but went off and forgot them--bad horse mom. My original plan was going to go out and watch Jessica lunge her but we had a lot of rain Friday and mud and crutches just aren't a great combo.

I enjoy everyone's updates. All the pics show great progress. I love that trot in western tack Kelo. Hopefully by summer, I can get back to contributing and hey actually have some goals and being able to ride much more regularly. I am still on track to retire in early July so my schedule should be more open.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby khall » Sun May 19, 2019 8:21 pm

Piedmont, good observations re forward and back in CC. Would be a good addition to Rip's repertoire. CC does not really wake Rip up, though now that you mention it I should try medium trot after CC, that was a classic exercise I have done in the past. It does engage him and gets him really on the aids nicely. I feel he keeps the quality of the canter no problem in the CC, I often see horses lose engagement in CC or in collection and I am thankful that is not an issue with Rip but he could have more canter if that makes sense. Jillian did have me work in a longer frame in the canter in another clip (true not CC) to open him up a bit more. I have not always been able to work in stretch in canter because of Rip's antics, but these last few years it has become possible as he is more with me. I even can do light seat which was a big no for many years:)
Piedmont do you ever do counter flexion in CC? We are now able to counter flex in both leads without issues in true canter (when Cedar first started asking for this Rip would break to the trot, hard work) and maintain a quality canter, just wondering if doing some counter flexion in CC would be beneficial.

Anyway, getting some work in before Rip has to have his lower right canine removed on Wednesday. Don't know how long that will keep him out of business. We are getting hot and dry now so having to water my arena quite a bit.

Kyra's mom hope your lameness comes round soon and that you can join us!
Flight the HI on the circle and we also did it on the long side is how they prepared us in Spain for CP and FCs, used to activate the outside hind. Cedar is having me do HI with Rip for engagement in the canter, he is not so happy about it! Keeping them up and open is just so important isn't it?

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Sue B » Mon May 20, 2019 3:18 pm

Glorious rides on both horses Saturday, both in the arena and down the road splashing through puddles. :P Thankfully, my arena held up beautifully to Friday's rain so I could work the boys without worry about slick footing or damaging the base. Sunday was another story, however. We got at least an inch of rain; which may sound like nothing to you folk to the east and south, but for us desert rats, it's a lot. The dirt roads are slick and squishy and my arena has puddles, so no riding yesterday and possible no riding today. :cry: On the plus side, I did walk 2x's daily for at least a mile through the weekend, not counting asparagus hunting last evening.

I should probably add that Tio's canter is becoming more sure as a result (I believe) of doing lots of short t-c-t transitions, and he now leg yields in the trot centerline to wall and back. Also there still have been no incidents of balking--he has been completely willing to move off my leg without questioning. Light at the end of the tunnel maybe?

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Mon May 20, 2019 11:22 pm

Great updates! I do enjoy hearing your specific achievements and news. I love the visual of the FEI big trot entering the reining area, Kelo! Sue, the short interval transitions yielding consistency makes sense to me. Well done! Flight, thanks so much for the detailed video and comments. It's very helpful and I appreciate how calm and quiet you and PK were in the work. Khall, I *think* I demand more adjustability in flexion in true canter than CC, but I do expect an upright balanced CC. CC is very energizing for Emi and I use it to get jump in the canter which I can then exploit :-).

My other update would be that I am generally reviewing my management of Emi and seeing if any tweaks are needed. I like her barefoot trimmer, but he seems to have good and not so good days....and I notice when that happens. I'm also adding Equithrive to her mix before I go to injectables or more. She is feeling quite awesome and sturdy these days, but I am open to adjusting her management. Her 17th birthday is in...5 days. My DH may call her my Spanish cart horse, but she is truly a lovely, hard-working mare (just like many Spanish cart horses! put the ears back to merge!!).

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Flight » Tue May 21, 2019 4:03 am

piedmontfields wrote: Flight, thanks so much for the detailed video and comments. It's very helpful and I appreciate how calm and quiet you and PK were in the work.

That's not me in the vid!!! That's just a vid I found on the internet to try out with my horse.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby mari » Tue May 21, 2019 7:47 am

Flight - thanks so much for that video! So many good points that I can use too.
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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue May 21, 2019 12:48 pm

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Tue May 21, 2019 12:55 pm

Flight wrote:
piedmontfields wrote: Flight, thanks so much for the detailed video and comments. It's very helpful and I appreciate how calm and quiet you and PK were in the work.

That's not me in the vid!!! That's just a vid I found on the internet to try out with my horse.

Ha, I'm such an idiot! I was wondering why the horse didn't look like Norsey...or Ding!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby blob » Tue May 21, 2019 1:46 pm

Thanks for sharing the video, Flight.

My instructor had me do a similar exercise a few months back. We'd counter canter on a 20 meter circle, bringing the shoulder to the inside of the circle. Once we were able to maintain that we'd go down the the long side (still in CC) and ride renvers. About halfway through, ask for change.

It's an exercise designed for late changes, but it was not a the best for me and MM at the time. So we didn't stick with it for too long. Now might be the time to revisit!

Ryeissa--great video. Riot is such a good boy! Sounds like a very productive clinic for you both.

RP and I have had a better few rides. It is still a big backslide for no real identifiable reason from where we were earlier in the spring. But at least we are having some good moments and are being able to work through the nonsense, instead of everything just devolving. I would like to try another bit on him at some point, but I'd like to get us to a better working place before making that change. I also suspect he has some soreness in his right hip. So I'd like to put another productive ride on him (even if it's just a very short walk-trot ride) and then give him a week off to rest. He plays so hard in pasture with his buddies that I wonder if he might need a week of solo turnout to really 'rest' that hip.

MM and I have another show this weekend. Probably our last one until the fall. It just gets so humid and hot here that summer shows are brutal. If RP gets back to where he was, I might take him to some summer shows (hot horse at training level sounds much better in sweltering heat than a lazy horse at third). It's been an inconsistent couple weeks of riding for MM largely because of saddle stuff. The poor gal has been ridden in about 6 different saddles, which has meant a lot of different feeling rides for her. And a lot of me trying to assess how things feel more than actually riding. Fingers crossed my saddle searching comes to a close tomorrow (I'm getting back in a frank baines that I sat in on a different horse months ago, hoping I like it on her).

I will say I am very thankful for a horse who goes about no matter what kind of chaos I'm feeling. Despite the inconsistent riding and saddling, I know the horse I will have at the show and that is a really, really nice thing. She is not the easiest for me to ride well, but she certainly is one of the easiest going horses I've ever known. There's a level of trust I have in her that I don't know that I will have again.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby demi » Tue May 21, 2019 11:38 pm

Ryeissa wrote:Half pass, shoulder in and ly work- finally processed some more video from a recent clinic. The LY away from the direction I was half passing was to straighten Riot more on the outside rein, He likes to "roll over" his scapula. He was also taking too big of steps in the HP so my other goal was to have him step smaller and more collected. His motto "go big or go home".
He is dirty, was too cold to wash prior to the clinic. Very pleased with his ridability and the way this all came together.

Nice work! Thanks for posting.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Linden » Wed May 22, 2019 12:02 am

piedmontfields wrote:I like CC-trot-CC on a circle, too. It makes it very clear for Emi that she must wait for my aids. I am also a fan of a bit of forward/back in CC so that they don't get too stuck (but really, that is my horse's issues, so I do that). Emi responds to CC work with very good energy---it both wakes her up and aligns her energy forward (if that makes any sense). How is Rip's response?

You guys are definitely right on the mark about this. The real value of CC is found entirely within turns and transitions - a) true canter to counter canter,(surpentines/bending lines and turns to the counter lead, b) from a lower gait entirely, (walk or trot to counter canter without diving down and abandoning straightness and your contact), and c) from within the gait going forward and back on a straight line (or eventually the same exercise but on a circle or bending line)

I see people all the time just picking up a canter, bombing across the diagonal, pulling the horse through the corner and short side in counter canter and then just falling around the track for as many laps as they can before the horse is so strung out he has to break into the trot. Over and over. What a waste of time!

Counter canter is my absolute favourite tool in my toolbox
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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Wed May 22, 2019 12:05 am

OK, so I tried different degrees of renvers in counter canter tonight (in 90F after work). WOW! This is a super tool.

Initially, I went too far and got a nice clean change our hard way. Then I realized the degrees of it and how it jacks up the canter (I mean increases engagement in the canter). This is very cool. I feel that this could calm me down about changes, as it's about positioning the horse for success (and choosing a FC or not).

It's funny that the way I managed to get a decent canter on our weaker lead in the past was degrees of renvers in true canter. And now it comes to our rescue again....for every horse, there is an exercise that changes their life! lol

Just saw Linden's post :-)

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby khall » Wed May 22, 2019 1:44 am

I agree whole heartedly Linden and Piedmont I have read renvere in CC on the circle and the horse REALLY wants to change! I just like having Rip right there ready for the transitions in asking for CC and true canter. Will have to revisit renvere in CC again, last when I did it was on shallow bending lines not a circle and Rip is much stronger now than he was then. Will have to wait until I get the go ahead for bridle work though (I am not riding him in a halter or caveson!) since he has the tooth removal tomorrow. Did not work him yesterday, spent the day at the ER with my Dad. Low BP and lots of tests. Thank goodness just the IV fluids brought it up to normal. Not sure why, he is drinking what cardiologist said to and is on meds to raise his BP. At my parents age (early 80's) they are just so fragile (though Mom is healthy except for her dementia) Got a nice ride on him today, using the slopes in my field. It is so hot already though and dry as a bone. Going to be putting up hay this weekend, ugh, supposed to be triple digits.

Read Denver is having snow, that is just crazy. We were 95 today. Looks like it is here for a bit as well, record breaking highs. Not looking forward to hotter than normal summer.

Stay cool everyone and happy riding!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Moutaineer » Wed May 22, 2019 3:37 am

Snow here today, too, Cold and damp and utterly miserable.

My clinic went very well. I'm tired and sore from lots of intense riding combined with the cold and damp, but I'll be back to somewhat normal tomorrow and will do a proper update then, but here's a picture to be going on with--we worked a lot on half pass! (And as you can see we were slumming it...)

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Chisamba » Wed May 22, 2019 3:48 am

It's funny that everyone is posting their half pass, it's what I have been using to lay the foundation for more advanced work!

Regarding the video Flight posted. Doesnt the loss of rhythm worry anyone else? I would be very concerned about that exercise with Kimba starting life as a pacer.

Rye, I very much like the half pass to leg yield exercise you shared.

I have decided when I was working Kimba without paying attention to levels, I did better. Trying to get her ready for 3rd may be less useful than simply simply working on what needs improvement til she gets there in her own time.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Flight » Wed May 22, 2019 11:09 am

Nice to see you back in here Linden!

When I tried flying changes with Norsey again, he was anticipating like crazy and it was hard to position him to make sure it's clean. He's too smart this horse!!! So, I'll have to leave it for a while and wait for hm to settle again.

Chisamba, I wonder if they worked on that later?

Ryeissa did you do it in trot as well? The Valenca people had me doing that at the clinic, changing from LY to HP.
NIce pic Moutaineer!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed May 22, 2019 12:25 pm

Lovely work, all!

piedmontfields wrote:OK, so I tried different degrees of renvers in counter canter tonight (in 90F after work). WOW! This is a super tool.

Initially, I went too far and got a nice clean change our hard way. Then I realized the degrees of it and how it jacks up the canter (I mean increases engagement in the canter). This is very cool. I feel that this could calm me down about changes, as it's about positioning the horse for success (and choosing a FC or not).

It's funny that the way I managed to get a decent canter on our weaker lead in the past was degrees of renvers in true canter. And now it comes to our rescue again....for every horse, there is an exercise that changes their life! lol

Just saw Linden's post :-)

For extra fun, pick up a counter canter and start renvers down the long side. Slowly change flexion to shoulder-in, remember to breathe, and flying changes will come raining down upon you.

I love counter canter lateral work. It really enables you to get into the canter and make it very straight and very through, which can be tough to accomplish in true canter. But it's body-building work, so use sparingly until the strength is there.

My pair has had a relaxing May. Rain, work travel, headcold from Hades. Somehow, there went almost the whole month!

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed May 22, 2019 2:40 pm

Flight wrote:Nice to see you back in here Linden!

When I tried flying changes with Norsey again, he was anticipating like crazy and it was hard to position him to make sure it's clean. He's too smart this horse!!! So, I'll have to leave it for a while and wait for hm to settle again.

Chisamba, I wonder if they worked on that later?

Ryeissa did you do it in trot as well? The Valenca people had me doing that at the clinic, changing from LY to HP.
NIce pic Moutaineer!

Yes, this work is great at the trot too! I also have played with HI and TOH ( or modified 1/4 turn in trot) with this stuff- it all depends what your goal is and what you need to fix and use the movements in sequence to develop the new qualities. For example if I have problems with the outside rein I might do HI to SI to HI.

I should say lateral work is very easy for my horse, so adjust as needed for where you are at.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Sue B » Wed May 22, 2019 4:02 pm

Can't wait for the rain to stop so I can try some of these cantering/fc suggestions. Forgot to mention that I did throw in t-c-t-cc-t exercises with Rudy on the circle and on the straight just for grins. Did it in walk too.

Proud to say that I am continuing my daily walks in spite of the rain.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby blob » Wed May 22, 2019 9:16 pm

Chisamba wrote:
Regarding the video Flight posted. Doesnt the loss of rhythm worry anyone else? I would be very concerned about that exercise with Kimba starting life as a pacer.

Yes, there's a lot about that video that I didn't actually love. I think the exercise is valuable, but I didn't always love the way it was making that horse go. Granted, sometimes learning a new exercise results in some rhythm and impulsion bobbles in the beginning.

I mentioned above that i had done a similar exercise with MM several months ago, but it ended up not being a great fit for us at the time. One of the reasons was that it did not make MM's canter quicker behind/more powerful, which she needs in order to execute a change well. It made it harder for her to be late behind, but it made it harder for her to change period. In order to maintain the exercise we often ended up disjointed. An exercise is most valuable when it improves the way of going, not when you have to sacrifice the way of going in order to complete the exercise.

That's not to say there's no value in the exercise for us, I suspect revisiting it now when changes are much easier for her in general might be useful. But it's definitely the type of thing I have to be careful with on a horse like MM.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed May 22, 2019 9:35 pm

blob wrote:. In order to maintain the exercise we often ended up disjointed. An exercise is most valuable when it improves the way of going, not when you have to sacrifice the way of going in order to complete the exercise.

Agree, with both of you.....don't want to pick apart a rider who isn't here to discuss the session, but the horse was not in a good rhythm with a tendency to 4 beat the canter. Those are pretty standard exercises though, aren't they? I could see a value in shorter moments- you saw in my video (if you watched it) that I didn't stay in the half pass for more than a few steps- why? My horse can go sideways all day but I wanted the quality. It requires me to be humble and not greedy to ask for too much. It looks much less impressive to the onlooker but it's giving me a much better basic walk trot and canter power and quality- making real collection happen.

The haunches were going left/too far in on the straight work going to the left, so keeping the horse straighter would improve carrying on the hind leg and rhythm. There was a lot of bend but I didn't get a convincing feeling the horse was really on the outside rein and filling that side of the body. The rider was sitting quite heavy on the inside hip- hard to tell from this view why, I suspect it might have been too much pressing. There is a tone there that didn't seem to carry well. Anyone else see that? The outside hip seemed to be less on the horse- which can cause all kinds of problems in collection where you have to ride very accurately. (we are all crooked, of course!)

Hard to tell from a video but there was some stiffness that was happening at the c5/c6 vertebrae of the horse/raising of the head that can be a telltale sign of that happening. They use that as a balancing rod instead of filling the outside shoulder and hip. (At least it is in my case)

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Flight » Wed May 22, 2019 9:57 pm

I think it's one of these cases of knowing what exercise the horse needs to help it. Experience is something I sadly lack a lot of, only riding my 2 horses. I like dresseur's exercises and explanations of getting flying changes also (on a previous goals thread) but what this exercise helps more with is probably me! I needed to stop Norsey diving down with his shoulder first, a better rider could perhaps control him without needing to do it.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Wed May 22, 2019 10:13 pm

What do you mean Flight? Diving down as is on the forehand? Equally onto both shoulders? Or rolling the shoulder to the side you want the change? More of a lateral dive?
Do you feel anything happening in the corresponding hip or the opposite hip when this shoulder moves in this direction? This will give you a clue how to fix it.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby blob » Wed May 22, 2019 11:40 pm

Yes, I agree, Ryeissa. And I definitely don't think the rider is doing a bad job.

Just acknowledging that the renvers in CC can be tricky for some horses!

But like you said, knowing your horse and how much of something to do is key.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu May 23, 2019 11:20 am

I feel sure it was when I read the translated version of de la Giuriniere's book. H discussed the arguments against the exercise he introduced. Shoulder in. The argument was that you did not need the shoulder in to develop a horse, you could do all the same benefits from riding a circle. He agreed, but. He pointed out it was easier to do shoulder in than to ride a good circle.

So we could probably do everything we needed if we just ride a good circle. :D :D

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby Ryeissa » Thu May 23, 2019 11:35 am

Chisamba wrote:I feel sure it was when I read the translated version of de la Giuriniere's book. H discussed the arguments against the exercise he introduced. Shoulder in. The argument was that you did not need the shoulder in to develop a horse, you could do all the same benefits from riding a circle. He agreed, but. He pointed out it was easier to do shoulder in than to ride a good circle.

So we could probably do everything we needed if we just ride a good circle. :D :D

Its basically the same thing! :lol: Just in different degrees!
He pointed out it was easier to do shoulder in than to ride a good circle.
I agree with this if you are talking about a SI along the wall vs a circle. However, a correctly placed SI with out the wall to guide is as hard as a good circle- again they are the same concepts of controlling the shoulders/hips and having correct placement of the horse on the line of travel, specifically making the ribcage line up.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby blob » Thu May 23, 2019 1:38 pm

I will say I am certainly grateful for a variety of exercises leading towards the same end goal. Some things I ride better, some things are easier/more effective for certain horses. And some of us (horses and riders) just need variety so we don't lose our minds trying to ride a good circle!

I like to use renvers at walk and trot a lot, not because I think it's better or more effective than other lateral work (or a circle!), but because it's something I know I ride better. It's the lateral movement where I'm most distinct about my inside and outside aids. I should be that way ALL the time, of course, but that's the exercise that makes me ride my best.

My two horses are very different--RP loves consistency, so for him a day of many circles is great. Each time is an opportunity to take a known thing and work better/ harder. I probably COULD just spend ride after ride trying to ride a good circle! MM gets bored easily. Too much repetition makes her flat. But we need repetition to build strength. So with her being able to do SI, circles, traverse, etc, all towards a similar goal is really, really useful.

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Re: May & June Goals & Progress

Postby piedmontfields » Fri May 24, 2019 3:10 pm

Ponichiwa wrote:For extra fun, pick up a counter canter and start renvers down the long side. Slowly change flexion to shoulder-in, remember to breathe, and flying changes will come raining down upon you.

I love counter canter lateral work. It really enables you to get into the canter and make it very straight and very through, which can be tough to accomplish in true canter. But it's body-building work, so use sparingly until the strength is there.

Really good points. It is hard work, as the horse is really using themselves in canter in a more powerful way. I'm loving Emi's reaction and what I'm seeing in the mirror. My jaw is kind of dropping at her "new" canter. At this point, we are at the "do you want a change?" question from the mare, rather than FCs raining down on us, but I am also not quite to that big flexion change in the counter canter. I am glad she is asking though and that I seem to have a choice! lol

I rode before work today because it is headed again into the 90s F and will be even hotter next week. Ugh. And it's May, and I'm not in Texas.

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