Strengthening the Canter

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Strengthening the Canter

Postby Kelo » Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:00 pm

In the canter, my young horse is periodically falling out of lead with her hind end for a stride or two. She just kinda sputters around and gets back into it. I assume it's part (lack of) balance, part strength issues.

So hit me with your favorite strengthening exercises to deal with this and to strengthen the hind end on a green bean. :)

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Re: Strengthening the Canter

Postby StraightForward » Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:08 pm

Maya, my appaloosa, was almost incapable of cantering when I got her as an unstarted 3 year old. First, I made sure she could canter on the lunge line consistently, and then we pretty much started canter US by following another horse on the trail. From there, we introduced her to low canter poles and small jumps pretty early to improve her canter, and after a few months, she was pretty solid with it.

If your girl only loses the lead on circles, I might just start on the short end, and then break back to the trot before getting to the other short end, so she only has to navigate one corner in canter at a time.

Would love to hear more about how she is progressing! Is she 4?
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Re: Strengthening the Canter

Postby khall » Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:40 pm

I use lateral work in hand and caveletti to help strengthen the youngsters. I also lunge no SRs and go large straight lines and forward almost to a gallop.

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Re: Strengthening the Canter

Postby PhoenixRising » Fri Jul 26, 2019 4:43 pm

Phoenix has struggled a lot with getting her leads switched up in the back and crossfiring (which I think is what you're talking about). What has really helped her has been introducing simple lateral work getting her really off and listening to the inside leg, and more forward in the canter. I think I was getting in her way too much. Alyssa, the clinician I've been riding with, told me to strengthen her I need to "just do it" and make a large portion of my ride cantering. Less straight sides more circles. In the clinics, she had me doing a circle every time I reached A, C, or B/E. It all has helped a lot and her canter has improved tremendously.
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Re: Strengthening the Canter

Postby Tanga » Sun Jul 28, 2019 6:49 pm

How old? That is very important as to whether to just let her canter until she finds her balance or do exercises.

One way to strengthen the falling out is to canter a circle to the direction she falls out and keep her straight, straight, straight on that outside rein. That way, all of the "falling" will be in and force more correct work.

In general, strengthen the hind end by hills, up and down, keep her straight. Trot poles also.

If she's capable, one of my favorite canter strengthening exercises is lengthen/extend the canter and back, repeat.

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Re: Strengthening the Canter

Postby Linden » Mon Jul 29, 2019 6:35 pm

Shorten your reins, and sit back. Think withers up every stride, and keep your canter spurts to manageable lengths. I usually do 20 stridesand then a transition to let the horse take a break and get reorganized before going again. start teaching the halfhalting outside rein in baby steps in the canter, just introduce it, when you go to do a down transition for your break.
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