Thanks Q! I might print that out for those times when I need a boost!
A wrinkle occurred this week: slight lameness of indeterminate appendage. Vet lady was out, said 3 out of 4 legs (but NOT the one that was off for 8 months of the last 12!) seemed sore, and probably as a result of compensating for previously lame leg.
Options presented with oral joint supps (pah!), Legend and Adequan (aka
Legendarily Useless and Barely
Adequate, IMEX), or $everal Intra-articular $hots, funded by the sale of my left leg apparently...
Obviously I now qualify for para dressage as I immediately hacked off and sold my leg. Boy Bronto spent the night in a stall (DISGUST!) and took off into pasture today like a 1500# frog in a blender, which no doubt is exactly what the vet would love to see...
Friday I can ride again. Vet lady recommended duct tape, full seats, three helmets, a spotter with medivac on speed dial, and she inquired as to the state of my will before she left...
No but srsly: if this has any effect on his "forward" button it will be WORTH EVERY PENNY!