khall wrote:The shit show was Trump’s 4 years in office. If you still support Trump now then you support the destruction of our country which he tried mightily to overthrow. Thank goodness for those who served as guard rails during his presidency or we might have had a complete collapse of our government. Unless Abby is a believer that Trump actually won? She certainly has strong feelings on Biden and Harris questioning a former Senator’s qualifications. Highly ironic coming from a Trump voter. Funny how these Trumpers gloss over the multitude of transgressions by the previous administration. I sure hope you were as up in arms over Trump leaving Syria and turning over complete bases to the Russians and leaving the Kurds to die
While there were mistakes made in Afghanistan it was NEVER going to be a smooth process getting out of that country. (By the by it was not the military that left dogs behind but only about a dozen contractors dogs from the US the rest were from other countries ) The collapse of the Afghan government left our troops hanging. And if you think Trump would have done a better job…lol!! See “Peril” and Kurds.
As for covid what the heck more do you expect? He’s now mandating vaccines where he can thank goodness and catching major flak for that though there is very strong law backed by the SC for them.
I am still extremely happy that Trump was overwhelming voted out. He is and was a danger to our country and has opened up incredible divides that I struggle to see ever healing. The pandemic has also been very revealing. I’m quite honestly sick of the conservatives that continue to support trump the big lie and believe the most idiotic clap trap like taking horse ivermectin for covid.
I still fully support the job Biden is doing. He was not my first choice but I understand why he ended up as the nominee. Trump needs to stay a dark stain on our history and quit having so much influence on the gop. Then again because of that association they are becoming the party of the has beens or dead ... 0j-QwSizDc
Biden is president now. Trump is no longer president. What is happening now is Biden. I think you and Tanga should watch Biden and hold him to the same standards you held Trump. That shouldnt be hard. If you were haired up by Trump lies that you need to hold the Clinton and Obama and Biden administrations to the same standard. If you were embarassed by Trump, you should be embarassed by Biden. It is the double standard that makes me discouraged and angry.
Case in point...if Trumps admin had droned an innocent family, how would you be reacting?
If Trump had consistently forgotten the names of people he is talking to, would you sneer and laugh?
When Trump irritated other world leaders, did you shake your head in disgust?
So why is it all just okey dokey when Biden does these things, and the only thing you and others can say is well hes better than Trump. No. No. Thats just wrong.
Screw this "traitor' bullshit. Its just inflammatory ridiculous bullshit and people should be embarassed to be spewing it. My vote for Bernie in 2016 was a protest vote against Hillary and the DNC. My vote for Trump in 2020 was a protest vote again Joe Biden, a lifetime weathervane political parasite with a shitty record on race and war, and who should have just gone away in 1984, shamed out of the primary for LYING and plaigerizing (sp)
I defy any of you to call me a racist or sexist. Call my gay and Guatamalen and black and women friends and aquaintances and my German immigrant physician researchist FDA trial running husband a racist sexist because they see the world differently than you do and voted for Trump. Friends in the Netherlands and Syria LOVE Trump. There is whole universe out there that see things differently than you do. Sneer at them all you want if it makes you feel better. I listen to them, and I try to understand the way the think and feel. You should all try it sometime, but it takes concern and empathy and effort, and its much easier to just giggle at Orange Man and other inane pejoratives that reflect the shallowness of your thoughts and discourse.
Stay self righteous and in your echo chambers but dont expect people not to call you on it.