an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

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an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Figgy » Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:26 am

This week is domestic violence awareness week, and we've had some very high profile cases of men murdering their partners this year, police have changed their focus and moved away from 'oh gawd, not another DV' to being very proactive about responding to domestic violence reports....

however things aren't always as they appear (warning, educational video on how to catch a funnelweb spider) ... l8v7b.html


Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby bascar » Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:31 pm

'and what do you do for a living?'

'I milk spiders'

I hope she's well paid....

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Wicky » Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:25 pm

Ewwww. Maybe I will never return to Sydney.

I am less afraid of spiders than I was when I was young, but - still....

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:13 pm

My stepson says this is why he doesn't live on the North Shore, because that's where the funnelwebs are... (there were a few expletives involved in this convo, too:))


Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Figgy » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:42 am

I never saw a Funnelweb during the 10 years I lived in Sydney. Lots of huntsmen (large hairy non toxic beasties), some redbacks.

Spider milkman is not high on my list of career options

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Flight » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:48 am

LOL! There's a big huntsman in my house at the moment. It's more scary trying to catch it to take it outside (don't like killing them) so I just let it appear now and then, hoping it wont next appear on my face when I'm trying to sleep!


Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Figgy » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:19 am

I don't like killing spiders either, I prefer to catch them (Tupperware is my preferred method) and then take the Tupperware container, throw it outside and then retrieve it the next day when I'm confident that the spider is far far far away.

Thankfully I don't see snakes in my backyard.

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Shirrine » Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:32 am

Problem with huntsman is they like cars. Very disconcerting when it is crawling along the dashboard then disappearing only to appear again.

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Figgy » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:02 am

yes, I've been known to hit the brakes very hard in the middle of a highway and leap out of the car in terror because of a huntsman running across the inside of my windscreen.

Boyfriend leapt out of the car just as quickly as I did and then got upset that i'd stopped without pulling over

I Did check behind me first to make sure there were no cars/trucks (empty road) then hit said brakes

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby texsuze » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:18 am

OK, Aussies, we need some graphic pictures of your huntsman here, with warnings for the squeamish. Spiders are cool.

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Shirrine » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:18 am

Danger danger Will Robinson, huntsman spider. :o :lol: Image

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Shirrine » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:19 am

I had one join me in the shower, that was the last straw, he DIED.

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Jp1 » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:23 am

Fun aren't they. Lying in bed one night reading a book, a rather large huntsman crawled across the bedside lamp. The shadow that spider put on the ceiling was huge. I think my heart stopped for a moment before I realised what it was.


Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Niki » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:25 am

I've just moved to my new property on 13 acres. You wouldn't believe the number of spiders in the bush here. I'm used to the Aussie bush but it even suprised me. While putting a temp fence of about 200m in a big square i started by bashing all the pickets in. I then went to put all the offsets on them to already find spiders on the pickets creating webs. The smallest huntsman we've seen so far was the size of my partners hand :)


Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Figgy » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:38 am

they are harmless, they are just big and hairy is all

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Re: an aussie spider story (or why not all aussie blokes are really that blokey)

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:52 pm

Like mice with looooong legs :)

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